Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eye Pics!

...these 3 kids of mine! Eric, Shane, The Nurse (Kandace)...this sweet mutt of mine....Betsy Lynn 1/2 chihuahua and 1/2 ????
...the other blessed mutt....Chippo Leon....100% chihuahua
...me, the loving mother of ALL those hooligans listed above....
...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....there you are!...been looking for you.....*slurp*
....enjoy your day as I'm enjoying mine....chat with you later♥


  1. I think Betsy is half Rat Terrier :)
    Love you bunches!

  2. A lucky mom you are and how lucky all of them are to have you as a mom!
    Wish I was there to enjoy coffee with you!
